English 香港站

歡迎來到 Soaring Macau

職位名稱: Management Trainee Scheme    
提供月薪: 15000-20000 工作類型: 全職
學歷要求: 大專 工作地點: 中國澳門
招聘人數: 5 工作經驗:
更新日期: 2023年12月20日 職位類型:
認證要求: 交通事務局



工作職責 學習金融管理和市場分析 向客人提供全面性的金融和財務建議 為客戶提供專業的財務策劃服務,包括保險,投資移民,儲蓄及投資計劃 福利待遇 提供*底薪+佣金制度,最基本可達$20,000。跟據過往經驗可達薪金範疇為$20,000 - $50,000,多勞多得。 註*(底薪是根據申請者對上一份工作的薪金提供) 公平公開晉升路徑 同事可獲團隊配套支持下,按公司準則達至指定業績及招募新人。管業管理階層同事如(助理分區經理,分區經理等) 除了獲取個人業績佣金外,亦可獲得團體計算福利之佣金。 另外,公司亦設有個人銷售晉升路徑。發展客户市場,建立個人人際網絡,協助客戶作出財務策劃及提供專業管理服務,獲取理想收入。 財富管理行業機遇 1.「澳門央积金」推出後,讓更多人願意接觸理財產品,對理財需求增加。 2. 隨著大灣區的發展,澳門跟中國内地其他城市更加接近。同事更加有機會發掘商機。亦可為客戶提供投資移民咨詢。 3. 疫情後,更多客人關注醫療保障。造就更多機會。 4. 澳門人口老化,退休人士對財富管理需求殷切。 21世紀亞洲區面臨最大的挑戰是人口老化,以及衍生的醫療系統負擔問題。他指,由於民眾希望更長壽,因此積累更多財富為退休生活鋪路,變相令財富管理公司、保險公司、銀行,養老基金及人壽保險公司等成為股票市場上最大的投資者。 5. 更多人追求 F.I.R.E. (Financial Independence Retirement Early) 財務自由的生活,大家對投資工具的追求更大。 財務自由就是不需要為了生活開銷而努力為錢工作著狀態。更白話一點,就是不需要為了五斗米折腰,也就是說,你的收入來源不是透過『主動收入』(如:薪水),而是『被動收入』(如:股息、租金等)。 加入Soaring團隊 伙伴制 於資深經理/同事帶領下參與見客過程,累積經驗。 開心團隊 以輕鬆,鼓勵式獎勵,競賽,正面理性分析激勵同事達成目標。拒絕暗黑貶低手段激勵同事。 年輕科技化團隊 靈活利用科技,便利同事自我增值及達成生意。同事可自由下載具設計感見客簡報或獲取不同題材的培訓知識。同事亦可以於健全的的網上平台,開拓線上尋找客源的機會。同事亦可按自己的生活形態,決定參與實體或網上會議。 提供全面的培訓內容 以精簡的簡報,提供實用金融保險知識予同事。培訓內容主要加強同事之溝通技巧,科技工具的認識及使用,例如電子海報設計。金融產品繁多複雜,團隊善於抽絲剝繭擇出撮要,免卻沉悶內容。團隊積極邀請資深嘉賓為同事提供行為,形象,心態之分享會。 正向團隊 工作少不免壓力。精彩的團隊聚會如行山,火鍋,旅行,讓大家生活得到平衡,時刻充滿活力。

Objectives To provide opportunities for fresh or recent graduates with high potential to gain exposure in the various functions of the insurance industry, and cultivate a career interest and aspiration in the insurance sector. To develop the graduates for building an all-round and competent talent to assume managerial positions within AIA. Target Candidates Final year students or recent graduates with a bachelor's degree, preferably in finance, economics, accounting, actuarial science, insurance or business administration and possessing the following qualities: Genuine passion to pursue a career in insurance sector A team player with leadership potential Strong analytical and communication skills and self-motivated Excellent command of written and spoken English and Chinese (preferably including Putonghua) Why our team? If you will be a graduate in the coming months or are already a graduate, and have a genuine passion for pursuing a career in insurance industry, why not join our Management Trainee Scheme? We will kindle your passion and develop your talents to help you build a long-term and fulfilling career. Enjoy career growth with our team. We offer opportunities for high calibre graduates in relevant fields of studies such as finance, economics, insurance or business administration. We also welcome interested graduates of other disciplines who have a passion to embark their career in the insurance sector. Happy team Establishing the working environment full of positive vibes. Digital office Provide a digital working platform to facilitate colleagues' self-improvement and career opportunities. Work life balance culture Wonderful team gatherings, such as hiking, hot pot, and travel, give everyone a balanced life and vitality.
Career path The supporting resource for you to set up own team upon successful completion of training. Scheme Structure 1. On-the-job Learning Hands-on experience in performing various regulatory or non-regulatory duties and assignments of AIA. 2. Professional Training Trainees will undergo induction training. 3. Competency-based Training A wide spectrum of management development and soft skills programme will be provided. 4. Mentorship Each trainee will be assigned to a mentor who is a senior member of our team to provide necessary guidance and support.


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