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歡迎來到 Supergo (Macau) Company Limited


Supergo is an established cosmetics distributor and beauty services provider in Hong Kong with an operating history of more than 25 years. Our mission is to provide consumers with scientifically based, high quality products and treatments to satisfy their head-to-toe beauty needs.

At Supergo, we strive to become the most reliable and caring distributor for cosmetics the Far East, especially Hong Kong and Mainland China. We begin by selecting only the best products and brands, which must be each capable of unique positioning in the market. We work closely with the principals to internalize each brand’s philosophy and make every effort to ensure a consistent image is maintained at all times. We are always conscious of our duty to enhance the brand’s image in the markets we represent as well as add value to the distribution chain. We believe in using targeted distribution for each brand – always playing to the strengths of the products against the backdrop of our local market requirements.

We are proud of the fact that all the principals we have partnered, past or present, have been very pleased with what we have achieved for them – in terms of volume and in the enhancement of their brand image.

Supergo has the right size to be an effective niche player in the market – small enough to be flexible and responsive to changes in the market, yet big enough to devote necessary resources to seize market opportunities when available. Market knowledge, professional expertise and the combined experience of our team will prove valuable to any brand seeking to expand into these markets.


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